polish nexus magazine cover
Cover illustrations for NEXUS magazine
28 July 1998

About one week ago, I got contacted by a publisher from Poland who is about to make a Polish version of the Australian magazine NEXUS. NEXUS is an international bi-monthly alternative news magazine, covering the fields of - Health Alternatives, Suppressed Science, Earth's Ancient Past, UFOs & the Unexplained and Government Cover-Ups. The publisher asked me if I would be interested in having some of my images being used as covers for NEXUS.Of course I'm interested, it's always a start:) The premier issue will have "Land of Featon" on its cover. (A quick note to Polish subscribers: the first issue of Polish version of Nexus will be out sometime next month)

The NEXUS home page is located at nexusmagazine.com

Art and illustration studio
of Dawid Michalczyk.


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Top 9 images

      1. Ancient giants
      2. Stellar vista
      3. Endless opposites
      4. Planet scape
      5. Edge of perception
      6. Starry evening
      7. Future bandits
      8. Epsilon hunter
      9. Singular ambience

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Eon Works - Art and Illustration Studio. All content copyright © 1995-2021 Dawid Michalczyk. All rights reserved.